
How long does it take to service an EGO battery under warranty

Both my 7.5Ah batteries have been playing up for a while. The fuel gauge lights would all of a sudden turn a solid red in the middle of mowing, but if you gave them a sharp tap on a bench, they would start working again. It didn’t matter if they were freshly plugged in, or 10 mins into mowing. A solid red light usually indicates an overheat condition. I knew heat couldn’t have possibly been the cause because I could start mowing and a few minutes in it’ll turn red. From my research it appears this problem isn’t unheard of, […]

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Clever batteries

We have a few EGO batteries lying around and I found two of the 7Ah batteries on the shelf today with their indicator rings red and fully lit. It wasn’t necessarily the lights alone that worried me although red usually means bad, it was that the tops of the batteries were a little warm. Oh no I thought, there’s something wrong with the batteries! It took a bit of googling to find that this was normal behavior for EGO batteries. They apparently self discharge when they detect long term storage of a fully charged battery. So I dug into the

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