SSL products – addons or stand alone?

In my little debacle with addons and the default order form, I was made to think about how to use the SSL products.  I wanted it to show as an addon during the ordering process, but in setting up the addon, it wanted to align the billing cycle with the hosting plan cycle, and well.. this just wasn’t going to work, as the SSL couldn’t be monthly!  I also had the problem of wanting a dedicated IP to be a required addon for the SSL cert, and well.. you can’t have addons for an addon!

So after being advised the following: “The same product can be used as a product or as an add-on, not both. What’s worse is that an add-on can only be added once to each product.” I decided that we will have SSL products as standalone with the addon of the dedicated IP.  And perhaps during the ordering process I will pose the question of whether they needed an SSL cert and link back to our SSL cert page for them to select it and put it in the cart.

Oh, and speaking of addons.. it seems you can’t delete them without going into the database to do so!  Why they can’t be listed & managed like all the other products I don’t understand.  So I will be renaming the addons I was playing around with so I know they’re not in use.

Also, the SSL product – because I said yes to it being an addon (in advanced mode for product details) and then applied it as an addon.. it has now disappeared into addon-land where I can’t delete it!  Before I actually used it as an addon it was still listed as a normal product which I could have easily deleted.  But now it’s officially an addon that I will have to just tuck away somewhere never to be used again!

Which reminds me.. I need to setup the SSL cert product again….

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