Brandon Yap

How to cancel your Plesk Billing license

Parallels don’t make it easy for you to cancel your license. Just about every webform will not submit unless you have paid for support. I have managed to successfully cancel my license by going to the following URL and using it. This URL doesn’t not appear anywhere on the Parallels site. I can’t remember where I found it but it works.

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30fps vs 60fps in games

30 frames per second vs 60 frames per second. Whats the big deal! The human eye can only see 24 – 30 fps right? I’m sure we’ve all heard that argument before. While it’s true the human eye can only see around 24 – 30 fps, in real life we have Motion Blur. Put your fingers up in front of you and wave it around, you’ll see motion blur in action. On screen, this is not the case. Because of the lack of motion blur, on screen objects just don’t seem to move smoothly and appears to skip to the

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iPhone/iPod EQ distortion and clipping

All iPhones and iPods these days have a feature called Sound Check. It scans all your music files and sets the playback volume so that they are all roughly the same level. iPhone/iPods also have an equaliser (EQ) function which lets you modify the sound of your music by boosting the bass, treble, and so forth. Both these features by themselves work well, but when combined with today’s music it will cause issues with how your music sounds. Why? A lot of music nowadays are mastered to be as loud as possible, thus reducing the dynamic range and possibly introducing some

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VM disconnects after vMotion

We’ve been having this weird problem for a while where if sitting idle for a day or two, a VM would disconnect from the network and otherwise be unavailable until after a few minutes if you try to vMotion it. But after you reboot it, it worked fine. Networking checked out. Storage checked out. What could be wrong?? Turned out the culprit was memory overcommitment on our ESX servers. Who would have thought! We had more memory allocated to VMs than there was physical memory, even though the green memory indicator said otherwise. A bit of background as to why

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Suspending Windows 7 in VMware Fusion

When running Windows 7 as a virtual machine under VMware Fusion, you have the option of Sleeping or Hibernating from within Windows, or suspending the VM from Fusion. All the methods ultimately serve the same purpose but achieve it’s goals differently. Sleeping and Suspending were very quick and I suspect invokes the same function, as in VMware Tools calls the Sleep function from within the OS. Contents in memory are held there and the VM is frozen in it’s current state. Hibernation on the other hand dumps everything from memory into a file within Windows, then halts the system, where

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